Friday, June 03, 2011

how to: rock headwear

Look, it's finally sunny enough to warrant those oversized shades we all love and to shed a layer (or two!) of clothing. But, as Sarah pointed out yesterday, we can't all love UV rays. I am of no exception, as I fry in the sun as soon as I step out into it. I can deal with putting sunscreen on my arms and other limbs, but the one place I stand my ground out is my face. It's not that I am welcoming a sunburn there - it's the greasy mess that happens with inevitable sweat in the sun or when I jump into a pool. Gross.

I have come up with solutions for this dilemna - and it's summer hats. We all need something light and airy to keep our faces looking like tomatoes and our scalps from peeling.

Thus, I propose a straw fedora. I rock mine, all the time, anywhere, when I know I'm going to be outside for longer than it takes to run from my car into a building.

I found the above picture on Lookbook, and it features the hat that has now become my mainstay. They're cheap, comfy and help hide your hair after it's hit with humidity.

If you see yourself lounging by the pool or lake this summer, class up your suit with a wide brimmed hat a la ISSA

But maybe you are one of the lucky girls (for which I am eternally jealous!) that doesn't have to worry about a looming sunburn whenever you step outside your house. You are lucky and can wear the 'turban'. I wrote about this a while ago, but I keep seeing them pop up everywhere! Refinery29 does a great tutorial on how to one so it stays and doesn't look like a mess.

Just please don't hook your man into wearing the now famed 'murban'...

photo: refinery29

Baptiste Giabiconi, Karl Lagerfeld's muse, wore one at the recent Chanel cruise show. Some speculate this is Lagerfeld's mission - to make these murban's popular.

Do you think this is a good look for the man in your life?

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