We've all heard the term "spring fling", but I think the summer fling sounds much better. Think of the hot months you can spend together, and then when its time to go back to the real world....you can let it go. Well, if you want to let those strings fall away. Summer is the craziest time of year so why not have someone to do crazy things with? The rules of the summer fling are simple :have fun, be carefree and most important understand that at the end of the day...it is commitment free!
When it comes to the summer fling, you should be aware that you can have several if you so please. Why date one person when you can explore the sea of the opposite sex?
So, how can the season of flings begin? Well, you might have to get your prowl on, but have no shame.
Perhaps your just looking for a pretty face? A long term relationship means you should be able to hold a decent conversation. But if that hot guy at the bar just isn't at your level...who cares? A few weeks of fun with a person you know you wouldn't want to be with forever just makes it even easier when play time is over.
If you're going on vacation this summer, you'll have the perfect opportunity to find an exotic friend to spend your days with. Foreign flings are great, but don't get too obsessed. After all, you have to get back on that plane eventually, and chances are, he's not coming with you. There's also a chance you could cross paths with another tourist looking for fun!

Flings to avoid...sex with the ex. No matter how tempting it might be, just don't do it. You've been there and done that so why put yourself through it all over again? Why re-open old wounds? When looking for a fling, we want someone new and fresh! Doesn't that sound much more exhilarating? I thought so.
Other than that, don't be afraid of regrets. Just erase the word from your vocabulary if you want to have a summer full of successful flings. Fun is what it's all about.
Oh, and did I mention some great sex/make-out sessions?
And if you feel an attachment coming on, think it over, and if you are scared of the C word, abort! If you think there's something more, then hold on. It might be breaking one of the key rules of the summer fling, but sometimes it's meant to be.
Let the flings begin!
photos via sexedmusic.com and voodoohash.com
photos via sexedmusic.com and voodoohash.com
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