Now, I'm not an idiot. I'm aware of the risks and I know to protect myself- but sometimes I seem to forget that an SPF of 15, though it's protection, isn't exactly protection enough for my ghosty pale skin.
Yesterday, I may or may not have been a little too anxious to start my summer tan. It was a beautiful 25 degrees out, so as soon as I hopped out of bed I was in my bikini and in the backyard. I threw on some SPF15 and a bit of SPF8 oil (I mean, thats like, a whole SPF of 23 right??) and dozed off for 3 hours in the blissful sun.
And when I awoke, I was a beautiful shade of lobster red.
Damn it.
We've all been there, victims of a terrible and unattractive sunburn. Everyone makes mistakes (I swear, I've learned my lesson), and since sunburns can take up to a week or two to fade, we need to learn to deal. For example, tomorrow I have two very important meetings that I've already rescheduled once and cannot miss. I will be attending these meetings in a large amount of pain and looking like a freshly picked tomato.
So, considering my predicament, I thought it would be appropriate to write a post on how to dress stylishly/professionally with a terrible sunburn, yet feel comfortable and covered up at the same time.
First, lets be thankful that boho pieces are in this summer. Free flowing, long sleeved tops are my saviour when suffering from a burn. Not only do they breathe and cover me up, but they look great when paired with a nice pant or skirt.

Maxi dresses are key to covering a sunburn. This one below is from Zara, and not only covers up legs but also the chest area (notorious area for bad burns, and the most noticeable). It's professional enough to wear in a work atmosphere, but comfortable enough that it won't rub against your body (OUCH). If it's not too hot out, try pairing it with a jean jacket.

A pair of loose fitting hammer pants are extremely comfortable AND stylsih. They cover up your entire leg, but don't suffocate them, allowing for some airiness.

Remember, regardless of whether you care if people see your burn or not, it's key to cover up. Exposing an already bad sunburn to more sun isn't exactly the best way to heal it. And since it is hot out, I know covering up is frustrating. These suggestions should keep you looking wonderful yet comfortable in the heat, until that burn goes away and you can reach for the shorts again.
I hope everyone is enjoying this beautiful weather and keeping up with the sunscreen application. Don't follow in my footsteps!
I'm off to bathe in aloe.
you are a silly goose.