L is for the way you look...at me!
O is for the only one I see...
I'll stop right there.
Let's get over the ooey gooey romance before it goes too far.
Valentines day is fast approaching, and for those of you who loathe the hallmark holiday...I have something just for you!
Why does it suck being single on Valentines day?
Answer: IT DOESN'T!
You don't have to give in the cheesy romantic garbage that aims for the heart and the wallet. Who needs a reservation at that perfect restaurant? Who needs that perfect dress and the bouquet of roses?
It's time to reclaim that day as something new, something grand, and something delicious. Throw away that box of chocolates and those heart shaped candies. You deserve a girls night out, and the aim is to find something for yourself.
V-day for couples consists of the usual dinner and movie, etc, etc....
V-day for singles? Lets whip out the hot dresses and chardonnay. There are two options for you ladies out there.
Option one: Ladies night!
Hit the town with your favourite single ladies. Make sure you're all looking smoking hot, grab some martinis and hit the dance floor. Oh, and when those single dudes approach you looking for a night of romance...give 'em the shoulder. That's right, I said it.
Guys might think Valentines day brings out the romantic vibes, but that's not always true. If you want to have a night of clean (or maybe not so clean) fun with the gal pals, don't let any guy get in your way. Because sometimes, we just need a vacation from dudes.
Option two: On the prowl
Show them who's boss! Sex positivity is what I'm trying to shed light on here.
There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with going out with the intention of getting down. But don't ever settle for less then what you want. And I mean it. If you like what you see hear, and feel (merrrow) then go for it. If anything, I mean anything, puts you off, then there is nothing wrong with going home alone!
I'm sick of the same old same old - boy meets girl and sweeps her off her feet. We need a new fairy tale. How about you sweep someone off their feet? And if not, there is no shame in being happily single.
Moral of the story - Valentines day is for suckers. Don't get me wrong, I have some plans for V-day, but in all honesty, this so-called special day shouldn't make you feel lonely. Take the power back and don't let it get to you!
Happy February!