For those of you who aren't camera shy: you're gonna love it.
There are so many things you can do yourself. DIY's are one of my favourite things to mess around with. However, I am often lazy and usually find myself giving into consumer culture. But when I'm feeling crafty, it's a whole other story.
For you porn fans out there, perhaps you have thought of making your own short and sexy film?
I hear your objections already...
"But Mel! What if it is unleashed into the amateur porn world, and suddenly my ass is featured on pornhub?!"
Oh, don't be silly. Just don't pull a Paris Hilton, and you're good. Also, don't film yourself in night vision. We've all seen the result: a creepy looking raccoon-like creature pouncing on some dude's junk. Not exactly the sexiest...
So, for a successful and sexy night of movie making, the rules are quite simple.
1. Good lighting. Don't be shy, it's not like the whole world is going to see it! (I'll get to that part later)
2. Be playful and fun and flirty. Tease each other and the camera. Don't take it too seriously, and just pretend it's not there!
3. Use a tripod, try different angles if you so desire. Handheld could also be fun when foreplay is happening.
4. The most important rule...after you indulge in watching your very own porno...delete it. YES! DELETE IT! No matter how wonderful, sexy and hot it is, please delete it. Maybe you trust each other, but even so, if someone else gets their dirty paws on that, everyone may get to see your naughty bits. So don't make me stress this anymore than I feel I should.
It's the filming and the watching that is the fun part. Once it's over...you can trash it. And if you so feel the urge to watch yourself have sex, just do it all over again.
If you feel hesitant even going there, you can always look into the many other couples who have done it, and went to the next level by sharing it publicly. I wouldn't encourage anyone to do that. However, I can share one favourite of mine: Chloe Lamb. A lot of my male friends appreciate her homemade videos as well. If you take a look I'm sure you'll understand why.

the one and only, Chloe Lamb
photos via arrozconpopote.tumblr.com & Facebook
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