Something about the freedom from studies and the fact that the mall 15 minutes from my house has upped its game (new stores galore), has taken my obsession with summer style to a new level this year.
I've always shopped more in the just makes sense. I have more free time, an actual income, and summer clothes rule above all others. But this year I'm finding that I can't get enough. Every day, if I have a moment of boredom, my first instinct is to go buy something.
Dangerous, my friends. Dangerous. And it's only the beginning of May...
As I've stated many times, my wardrobe tends to focus around the wonderful shade of black. I love wearing black for many reasons (some as lame as the fact that I think black looks great with blonde hair), but mainly because in the winter months, I believe dark shades to be the most appropriate.
However, when summer finally rolls around, I let up a little bit and venture into the land of bold prints and patterns. I also find my eye wandering towards the light shades--the whites, the creams-- even though that silent alarm goes off in my head because I know I'll spill coffee on every white thing I purchase. It is a guaranteed fact.
This summer, I'm all about the light colours, pretty patterns, and flowing fabrics. I've comprised a list of my most desired/favourite styles for the upcoming months:

Next to some of the styles above, I'm also on the hunt for anything with feathers (long feather earrings are one of my favourite things right now), various loud crop tops (I already own too many but, meh), and chunky sandals. My list keeps growing, and so do my excuses to spend money I don't really have right now...
Anyway, I'm off to a job interview and to spend time with some long-lost friends (one of the perks about summer). I hope everyone is having a great day.
*all pictures from the Urban Outfitters website.
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