New girl here.
Well, new girl to Fashgasm. And I'm pretty sure that Justine mentioned me joining the Fashgasm team about a month ago, but due to the sickening amount of essays I've had due in the past little bit I've been a terrible contributor. Eep.
But hi! I'm Sarah (via Melodies and Desires:, best friend in the whooole world to Justine. I'm a poor University student who loves clothes but doesn't have a chance to indulge, so I have to resort to blogging about everything I wish I were wearing.
SO, I figured I'd make my first post on Fashgasm one about some of my favourite things this year... from trends to specific items that I own and love..just to give you an idea about me. Heere we go!

My closet is full of shirts like this, most in neutral colours or stripes, just waiting to be thrown on over a good pair of jeans with a hoop scarf and my leather jacket. Nom.

Also in the picture are my lace tights. The rule. Everyone needs pretty lacey tights.
And finally...

The majority of my wardrobe and my favourite pieces in it are black. And I may get ridiculed for the amount of dark I wear on a regular basis, but I can't stop won't stop. Black dresses, black jackets, black shirts, black tights, black pants, black scarves, black boots... you get it. It is my absolute favourite colour. I believe there is nothing better than dark colours and neutrals accented with something like a patterned scarf or awesome jewelry.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Anyway friends, that's all for this little intro entry of mine. A little self-centered ramble about my style interests, but hopefully it gave you an idea of what I'm into and what kinda stuff I'll be blogging about. I should be posting again within the next 24 hours, but with this blog, my blog, and the stressful presence of University schooling in my life, I never know what I'll get done.