Tuesday, October 26, 2010

is this real?

I think it is safe to say that there is not much in fashion that I am abhorrently against. However, I am drawing a line at fashion sweatpants. That phrase in itself is an oxymoron - meaning this trend should have been stopped at the idea process. I don't think I have ever seen them on a runway before Spring/Summer 2010, and it hurts me to see it.

I mean, is there really a point to wearing furs, leathers and sky high heels if your final piece is $1,000 pair of elastic waist band sweats?

What do you think about these pants? Are you willing to try them out or  do you share the same position as me?

Thursday, October 21, 2010

ps (!)

Please check out this blog if you haven't already heard of it!

Camel Cape

P.S. - I made this... is a blog devoted to DIY clothing projects which was founded by New Yorker Erika Domesek. Domesek is a style and DIY expert who posts pretty regularly with new projects for thrifty (broke) people to create. I absolutely love most of the projects on the site, as they are relatively cheap and easy to create. Domesek's motto for the project is "I see it.  I like it.  I make it."

Domesek also recently published a book which can be purchased at Amazon Canada. I have unfortunately not been able to check it out yet, but I've heard some good things! I think I'm going to have to purchase it in the near future, because I enjoy reading instructions out of a book and not online.  

Materials needed for said cape!
If you choose to make this cape, I would suggest draping it a bit more and adding a black leather belt around your middle so you don't lose your shape!

lookbook love

Check it on LOOKBOOK
I'm a sucker for military inspired clothing, as most of my friends know. Anything with a little bad-ass attitude to it catches my eye, and I that is why I love this look. The green parka and the black bootie paired together screams 'tough' (I guess!), but the way she paired a flimsy hat with a bow and a plain beige skirt with the outfit really pulls this look together.

Also, I apologize for the delay in posting, both now in advance, as everything is going to be HECTIC and crazy for the next couple of weeks.

Friday, October 15, 2010

hide and seek

i feel really lost right now. and i don't know to describe this feeling, or get away from it, or even just forget it. 
this isn't normal, nor is it what i like.

want to go for a ride?

Hermès Spring 2011. No words necessary.
Except I am in awe, as in mind-blown with this collection. Usually Hermès is a little too 'mature' for me, but this collection captured (almost) everything that is in trend, and in a way that is (almost) ready to wear.

Collections like these make me so happy.


Camel and leather... A classy woman at a horse race

Dominatrix (so subtle)
This look is so classy. Every piece is wonderful

Leather shorts! Please and thank you!
Photos taken from Vogue - Collections.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Erase Me

Ever since I first listened to Kid Cudi, I have had a little crush on him.

You may ask why....
He doesn't act like a gangster or rap like one. This is so refreshing from some of the other music I listen to
His clothes are wonderful! [Although I will admit that he is a hipster to the max]
He just doesn't give a fuck. Case in point is this video or Cudder is Back. Either way, that's what I love.
<iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/8988454" width="400" height="227" frameborder="0"></iframe><p><a href="http://vimeo.com/8988454">KiD CuDi "cudderisback" - Directed by Jason Goldwatch - DatNewCudi.com</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/dp16">DatNewCudi / DP</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
 His beats are the best for driving or partying to. I always dance, or crump as of late.